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The NCT IT Structures working group: Working together for innovative research and patient care

The interdisciplinary working group (WG) NCT IT Structures plays a central role in optimizing and enabling the secondary use of medical data of NCT study patients in the NCT network.

Melanie Börries and Alexander Knurr head the NCT IT Structures working group.

It integrates both the data generated in clinical studies and the healthcare data from the NCT sites. This structured database creates the basis for the promotion of innovative approaches in research and patient care.

Head of the working group

The working group is headed by Melanie Börries (expert for science IT at the NCT SUDO service and innovation unit at the CTO) and Alexander Knurr (head of the CTO-SUDO working group at the DKFZ). The team has been meeting virtually every month since the working group was founded in September 2023.

“Our work thrives on the close collaboration between the sites and the members of the working group, who develop innovative solutions together,” emphasizes Melanie Börries. Alexander Knurr adds: “Through networking and lively exchange, we can efficiently set up the IT structures and thus create the basis for data-supported oncological research.”

The composition of the working group

The working group is made up of a total of 16 members, including two representatives from each NCT site and two patient representatives. Other experts from the sites who are responsible for setting up the IT structures also take part. Information on the members of the working group for your site can be obtained from the coordination office at your NCT site.

Initial successes and milestones

In the first meetings, the working group analyzed the IT structures at the NCT sites and, based on this, developed an NCT infrastructure that enables the secure exchange of medical data.

A key milestone is the initial transfer of care data from NCT study patients to a central NCT data repository. This data is now available for secondary use in a standardized NCT dataset based on the core dataset of the Medical Informatics Initiative.

Further projects of the WG include

the development of a cross-site data protection concept,
the selection of an NCT trust office for digital consent management and the pseudonymization of medical data both within studies and for secondary use.
Participate and contribute expertise

Anyone interested in contributing their expertise is cordially invited to contact the coordinator of the working group, Kristin Paarmann (
