Patient Expert Academy for Tumor Diseases (PEAK)

Working together for patient-oriented clinical research

The Patient Expert Academy (PEAK) brings together patients, scientists and physicians to make clinical trials patient-oriented and practice-oriented. As a patient expert, you can actively participate in the development and improvement of clinical trials as early as the conception phase and help shape cancer research in the long term.

What is patient involvement?

Patient involvement in clinical research (also known as Patient and Public Involvement, PPI) means that patients are directly involved in the research process. They help to design studies in such a way that they reflect the needs and concerns of those affected. With your experience as a patient representative, you can ensure that research is understandable, relevant and accessible to patients.

Current developments

We are currently in a transition phase: The Sarcoma Foundation and in particular Markus Wartenberg (spokesperson of the NCT Patient Research Council and Patient Research Council NCT West) have further developed the idea of PEAK, which originated in the Patient Advisory Board of the WTZ Essen, since 2021. Together with numerous speakers, a diverse range of services has been created.

PEAK is an essential building block for further strengthening patient participation at the NCT. The academy has therefore been gradually merged with the NCT since 2024. Ulrike Schmollinger has headed PEAK within the NCT office since July 2024 and is responsible for the further expansion of the academy.

The goal is and remains: Together with all parties involved in the clinical research process, we want to strengthen patient participation. The PEAK project team will now drive forward the further development of content and curricula. The initial focus is on clinical research, with further expansion planned. A big thank you to all the experts for their great support.

The academy offers practical training and continuing education courses that prepare you specifically for your role as a patient expert. In our seminars and workshops, you will learn the basics of clinical research, ethical issues and the role of patients in clinical trials. You will gain the knowledge you need to actively shape research and thus make an important contribution as a patient representative.

Our next seminars:

Further information and registration for current sessions can be found at:

Through your involvement, you can have a decisive influence on the research process. Your personal experience as a patient helps to make clinical studies more practice-oriented. Together, we can ensure that new therapies and treatment approaches are better tailored to the needs of patients.

Would you like to play an active role in shaping cancer research? The Patient Expert Academy offers you the opportunity to participate in exciting projects and drive scientific progress. Find out more about our training courses for patient representatives and become part of our network.

Do you have further questions or would you like to get involved as a speaker? Please feel free to contact us:

Ulrike Schmollinger
Head of PEAK
Phone: +49 201 723-82639