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Audience in the HARPOON Workshop

The focus was on the multidimensional…

Press release

Recruitment for RATIONALE will begin at the NCT in…

Screenshot des Beitrags O-Ton Onkologie

It is a cultural change for Germany: patient…


Würzburg University Medicine has awarded Michael…

Portrait Prof. Daniel Stange
NCT Dresden

A research alliance from Cambridge (Great…

Eva Winkler in einem weißen Kittel vor dem Klinik-Gebäude.
NCT Heidelberg

The German Ethics Council serves as an expert…

Die Gewinner und Juroren des Helmholtz High Impact Awards
NCT Dresden

Biochemist Oliver Bruns (NCT/UCC Dresden) and…

Portrait Markus Wartenberg
Patient involvement

The "Friends of the German Cancer Research Center"…