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NCT Investigator-Initiated Trial (IIT) Portfolio

The main task of the NCT is to conduct innovative clinical-translational and internationally competitive research aimed at significantly improving the diagnosis, treatment outcomes and quality of life of cancer patients. The focus is on the transfer of promising preclinical research results into scientifically sound clinical multicenter studies in the field of personalized oncology. This is carried out according to a structured clinical translation process.

To fulfill this mission and to fill the NCT sponsored study portfolio, the NCT, together with its partners, offers the possibility of continuous submission of study synopses.

Principal Investigators from all NCT sponsoring institutions can submit study ideas at any time, which can be selected for funding or support in an evaluation process. The selection procedure is a continuous process and is divided into several steps. The scientific evaluation by an international panel of experts (NCT Trial Selection Board) and prioritization of study ideas takes place on an ongoing basis approximately every eight weeks.

Studies have been eligible for funding since the start of institutional funding in January 2024. The aim is to gradually build up a comprehensive portfolio of innovative studies that are either funded by the NCT (Overarching Clinical Translational Trial (OCT2) program) and/or supported by the NCT through the provision of infrastructure (e.g. CTCs).

Further information can be found in the guidelines (PDF file) on the NCT IIT portfolio (including OCT² program).

Please only use our web portal to create your study synopsis.

Web portal for the submission of study synopses for the NCT IIT portfolio

This requires a user ID at the DKFZ. If you do not yet have such an ID, you can apply for a cooperation ID via the following link:

If you already have a DKFZ user ID, you can access the web portal directly after logging in.


  • For questions regarding the NCT IIT program and submission of study synopses, please contact
  • For technical questions about the web portal or to apply for an identifier, please contact