NCT Berlin
The National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Berlin is a significant expansion of the Charité Comprehensive Cancer Center as a result of close cooperation between three outstanding institutions: Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité (BIH) and the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association. The proven partnership stands for comprehensive care for cancer patients and for a unique combination of clinical and scientific cancer research. The NCT Berlin will further intensify Berlin's research activities on single-cell analysis, immunotherapies, medical data science and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) and initiate early patient-specific, personalized clinical trials.
Main research areas
At the NCT Berlin, physicians and researchers rely on the comprehensive approach of cell-based systems medicine. State-of-the-art single-cell technologies and data science methods support the development of customized therapies and digital health solutions. In clinical trials, patients gain access to innovative diagnostics and the latest personalized therapies, such as cellular immunotherapies. Their views on the success of treatment are incorporated into further clinical trials.
Managing Directorate of the NCT Berlin

Prof. Angelika Eggert
Spokesperson for the NCT Berlin Steering Committee
Managing Director NCT Berlin
Director of the Department of Pediatrics with a focus on oncology and hematology at Charité

Prof. Ulrich Keilholz
Spokesperson of the Steering Committee for the NCT Berlin
Managing Director NCT Berlin
Director of the Charité Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCCC)

Prof. Lars Bullinger
Managing Director NCT Berlin
Director of the Medical Clinic with focus on Hematology, Oncology and Tumor Immunology at the Campus Virchow-Klinikum of the Charité

Prof. Christof von Kalle
Managing Director NCT Berlin
BIH Chair for Clinical Translational Sciences and Director of the Clinical Study Center of Charité and BIH
Thomas Crowe
Member of the Managing Directorate of the NCT Berlin
Head of Administration NCT Berlin
Dr. Anja Hümpel Scientific coordination NCT Berlin | Dr. Fabian Machens |
Head of CTC
Dr. Maren Knödler
Charité Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCCC)
Charité - University Medicine Berlin
Campus Charité Mitte I Charitéplatz 1 I 10117 Berlin
+49 30 450 664649
Anne Mertens | Jana Schlütter Editor and Deputy Head of the Communications Department Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association Robert-Rössle-Straße 10 | 13125 Berlin +49 30 9406-2121 |