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Honorary doctorate from the University of Würzburg for Michael Baumann

Press release of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)

Michael Baumann (center) received an honorary doctorate from the Würzburg Faculty of Medicine. Dean Matthias Frosch on the left, laudator Hermann Einsele on the right. (Photo: Thomas Berberich / University Medicine Würzburg)

Würzburg University Medicine has awarded Michael Baumann, Chairman of the Board of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), an honorary doctorate. Michael Baumann receives the award for his outstanding translational radio-oncological research and for his commitment to the expansion of the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT).

Michael Baumann was awarded an honorary doctorate for his scientific achievements and outstanding services to the University Medical Center Würzburg. The Chairman of the Board and Scientific Director of the German Cancer Research Center has had a lasting impact on cancer research in Germany over many years, said Hermann Einsele, Director of the Medical Clinic and Polyclinic II at the University Hospital of Würzburg and spokesman for the NCT WERA, in his laudatory speech.

The honoree is one of the world's leading experts in clinical radiobiology and translational radiation oncology. He has made a significant contribution to combining new findings in radiobiology with state-of-the-art radiotherapy technologies in order to achieve more efficient and individualized treatment for patients.

Michael Baumann also initiated and promoted with great commitment the Decade Against Cancer proclaimed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in 2019. This initiative included the expansion of the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT), which he drove forward with enthusiasm.

“Following the decision of an international review panel to include Würzburg University Medicine as a site in the expanded NCT, Michael Baumann was always available as a valuable advisor for the organization of oncological structures in Würzburg,” says Hermann Einsele.

This is Michael Baumann's second honorary doctorate, following his award in 2022 by the Faculty of Medicine at Aarhus University.

The award ceremony took place on the occasion of the University of Würzburg's Academic Day, the “dies academicus”. The Faculty of Medicine and the University Hospital of Würzburg thus commemorate a milestone in their history: the opening of the Luitpold Hospital on November 2, 1921.
